Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Where have I been???

My poor blog is suffering!  There is so much I've neglected to blog about lately.  But I have good reason (and fully plan to catch up....someday).  First of all, we finally sold our house and moved!  After 2 years of trying we finally got a solid offer and even found ourselves a great new home for our family.  Everything happened so fast and we are so thankful - me especially as I am approaching the 8th month of pregnancy and so glad to be done with the whole moving process :).

Speaking of my pregnancy, all is going well.  I just went to the doctors today and me and the baby are accidentally measuring huge so they upped my due date a week!  So for all you people who have been lying to my face that I'm not that big, you can now stop.  I've officially been told we are measuring "a little large".  (Not that I didn't already know that.)

Anyway, my days are now filled with trying to unpack everything, get everything ready for the baby, continue to post on my other site, and I'm really hoping to come across the boxes of Christmas decorations one of these days.  But in the meantime I hope to catch up on all that I've missed lately.  Namely, our awesome trip to New Orleans back in Sept. (wow, I'm really behind), Halloween, Caiden turned 7 (what?!), and lots of other randomness.  We shall see what I manage to accomplish this month......

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I had to have another ultrasound today and the Tech snuck me into the "4D room".  Oh.My.Goodness.  It's almost like a real picture!  Obviously I've never had one before and I am SO unbelievably amazed at how well you can see him.  (It was even clearer on their screens.)  I feel like I know what he's gonna look like!  Very exciting!

{And that scary looking stub thing is the umbilical cord I think.  The tech assured me he has full arms and legs despite how it may look}

And then this is my favorite....here he is in action sucking on his thumb!  I think he must think he has a huge thumb because that is one big ,wide, open mouth.  I love it.

Speaking of this sweet little baby, all is going well so far.  I had to have this second ultrasound to "get a better view" of some things.  But I really think it was simply just that.  In the first ultrasound, he was situated very low and they couldn't get the most ideal images.  So I'm not too worried about anything.  Plus, he moves and kicks almost all.day.long.  I'm thinking he's quite a healthy little guy :)  I am getting bigger and bigger and rounder and rounder and wanting to be done more and more.  I so love newborns, but I SO do NOT love being pregnant.  I know, I shouldn't complain - we're both healthy.  And I'm grateful.  I'm just also very D.O.N.E.  Too bad I have almost 3 months left, ha!  But today reminded me it's all worth it in the end.  Right?  Someone else please remind of that too......