Monday, May 23, 2011

Preston....and more Preston

I have neglected to post pictures of my sweet Preston...but that doesn't mean I haven't been taking them.  Obviously.  Just looking back over the past couple of months, I'm shocked at how much he's changed....and how much hair he has lost :(.  But he's sure not lacking in the cute department.  He's not hard to love, this guy.

This was on his Blessing Day.  He was such a tired guy.  And just look at all that fuzzy dark hair.  I miss it.

...the beginnings of a smile....
.....just chillin....

Caiden loves him, and I think it's pretty cute when he holds him like this.  Although, Preston usually has a very mistrusting look as if to say "Really?  You're letting this kid run around with me in his arms?"  Hey, he only smacked your head once on the door knob...:)  And the one on the right is one of my favorites too.  I often walk into the room and he magically has all these items in his arms - the remote for instance.  I guess in case he wanted to change the channel?  Caiden and Paige really help take care of him, ha. 
.....and we're SMILING!....

Could he get any cuter??? Methinks not.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Mother's Day

I'm so happy to be a mom...

Oh, how I laughed till it hurt!  There's no point in denying it.  I do love to lay in bed.  Maybe it's because I'm so tall and skinny, haha!  Usually, I'm reading a book and not just laying there, but to Caiden I guess its all the same.  This paper was bound in a book along with all the other students, so not only did every parent see this (oh my!) but I also noticed that I wasn't the only "tired" mom.  Lots of other kids said their moms loved to "rest" or "sleep" or "relax", not so much "lay in bed" but its ok.  I won't forget this one!!  I do so love my kids!  Oh, and Preston slept ALL the way through the night for the FIRST time!  Possibly the best present ever....after all, I do love to lay in bed!  Oh, I'm still laughing.....