Tuesday, June 26, 2012


We have a new kitty.  I had a moment of weakness, and took in a kitten that a friend of mine found.  It is (was) tiny.  Couldn't even eat on it's own, I had to feed it with an eye dropper.  This got old real quick.  I started regretting taking in this kitty that was beginning to feel like a baby....hand feedings...cleaning up its poo.  I even started to think something I rarely EVER think....."I should have listened to my husband".

But we kept it.  I didn't really have a choice unless I was willing to emotionally scar my children.  They instantly gave it about 6 different names, (I think we've settled on Buttercup?) and Paige was drawing it pictures...daily.  "Look mom, this one says I LOVE YOU!"  Oh dear.  I think we have a cat.  Permanently.

Then, I start to notice that there's something odd about the way it follows you.  Like it can't see you, only hear or smell you.  We take it to vet for shots.  I ask the vet about it.  "The eyes look okay" (proceeds to throw something past it....and nothing.)  More examining.  "Well, it appears to be able to differentiate between light and darkness, but doesn't appear to see objects very well."  Awesome.

So...obviously it doesn't venture past the patio.  Which means it poops all.over.my.patio.  All over.  All freaking over.  I'm not having very loving thoughts towards this kitty.  I'm trying.  It's not going well.  I start to try to convince the kids that it would be better for the kitty to go to someone who can let it live indoors.  Caiden cries.  Cries.  So, again.  I think we have a cat.  A blind cat.  Permanently.

Then.......while I was serving on that jury a couple weeks ago, I was carpooling with a fellow juror, Ruby, who had no car.  She was an interesting lady, super nice, but interesting.  We get talking about our pets one day and I mention our blind kitty that poops on my patio.  She tells me she's gonna pray for it.  And I'm not kidding...the kitty miraculously got it's eyesight.  AND it discovered the nearby landscaping and poops in the dirt!!!!!!  (Thanks Ruby!)

So, we have a kitty.  A kitty that can SEE and POOP in the DIRT.  Permanently.  :)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Spring done sprung...

Continuing on...

Just as soon as the weather began to warm up, Caiden and Paige went through a serious rock-collecting phase.  Who knew the dirty old rocks in the landscaping were so fun..."Look!! This one has PURPLE in it!!!"

Preston also discovered how much he loved to be outside wandering around the driveway with random objects (like a Halloween bucket :) and going on tricycle rides with Caiden.

Meanwhile, Casey and I were busy painting the house...we're nearing completion...sorta.  Those pics are to come.

Oh, and I began work on my glorious garden.  Seriously, it's amazing.  That one for sure gets its very own post...soon :)

And just because these are cute....

Preston has a habit of laying on anyone cuddled up on the floor, particularly Paige.  She loves it.

...and this one...

...first, how funny it is that he can climb all over them and they barely take their eyes from the TV.  But I especially love how Paige is holding his little hand and then watches that he doesn't fall off...so sweet!

More to come....

Friday, June 22, 2012

As promised....

This is my catch-up post :)  (One of them, at least) Let's time-travel back to March.

Caiden played Spring Soccer and also played as goalie much more than he wanted.  It's not his favorite position, but really he did a great job.  Poor thing gets so discouraged if a ball gets through.  Doesn't everyone?  I, of course was a super proud mama.  I mean, just kicking the ball down the field without tripping and falling over it is skill INDEED in my book :)

Also, in March, we took our annual Peart Family Snowbird trip.  As always, we had fun on the slopes...

...and not only was the outside mountain scenery amazing, but the scenery inside as well. Take a look at these hotties - my husband, brothers, and brother-in-law thought it would be funny to shave off their beards/goatees and sport hideous Chester-Molester-Handle-Bar mustaches. (Hey, I write this, I get to name it whatever I want :)  

Jesse gets the top Chester award I think.  That pose is classic.  And scary.  If he hadn't have just fathered such a sweet precious little girl, I would maybe be having the don't-go-anywhere-or-take-anything-from-Uncle-Jesse talk with my kids. 

But, really Paige summed it up best when she crawled into my lap while fearfully looking at Casey, and said "Mommy....why is daddy different?"   Don't worry, sweet girl, he'll come back....if he wants a ride home, that is :)

More to come....

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Passing time...

I'm excited as the next kid when summer comes along.  Simply the greatest.

Unfortunately, on the second day of summer I had to report for Jury Duty, where I was selected to be on a trial.  The estimated 2-3 days slowly turned into 4 days, the last day lasting into the late night hours.  My kids missed me.  The pool missed me.  And most of all I think my husband missed me since he was the one who mostly stayed home with them.

And to top it off, right in the middle of my absence Preston came down with the Plague, otherwise known as the dreaded Hand-Foot-Mouth virus that has rapidly spread through town, sentencing us to another 2 weeks of homebound-ness (I may be creating new words here).

I especially felt bad that Caiden and Paige, who are perfectly healthy have to suffer their first couple of weeks of summer...not being able to go anywhere.  So, I made a mental note that I'd make it up to them by pretty much saying "yes" (as much as I could) to everything they asked for for one whole day.  And hearing them say to each other repeatedly (in very surprised and excited tones)  "This is BEST.DAY.EVER!!!" leads me to believe it worked.  Maybe it was the popsicles, cheetos, and coke we had for dinner....or the huge mess they made that I simply turned a blind eye to....I don't know.

So this is how we are passing time - Slip N Slides and Popsicles!

Next week, we hope to finally get out of this house!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I'm behind. 


All I have to say is, Paige turns 6 tomorrow.  Holy cow.  

Yesterday I was messing around with Preston and Paige walked in and somehow had the impression someone was in trouble.  (I must be loud.)  
I said "You are!!"  
Paige:  "Why?"
Me: "Because you're turning 6, and you're not supposed to.  You're supposed to stay 5 forever!!!!"
Paige:  (thoughtful....& with sass)  "Well.....you didn't."   

Oh. Okay.

I hope to catch up...soon.  You've not heard about our new kitty.  You know the one I've been wanting to chase away mice and rabbits and skunks and neighboring pitbulls?  Too bad it's BLIND!  

....and HOW have I not posted a pic of my husband sporting an incredibly scary handle-bar mustache???

.....and Paige's sweet and hilarious/slightly embarrassing Mother's Day card she made for me at school.  

.....AND my lovely first-time garden happens to be flourishing!  (I've never used that word before.) 

....and did I ever mention my stolen purse.  Right out of my car.  Right in my very own driveway.

We've much to discuss.  Someday....

Just for the record, right at this very moment, I happen to be ALONE.  I'm never alone.  Paige is at school all day today because it is their Aquatic Center Field trip and Preston is sleeping.  The house is strangely quiet....and clean. I'm not sure what to think.  Do I like it?  Is this how it will really be all next year??