Sunday, August 21, 2011

A little eavesdropping.....

 A couple days ago in the playroom....(Caiden playing legos, Paige playing Barbies)

Paige: "Caiden, which dress should she wear? The blue or pink one?"
Caiden: (annoyed) "Paige!! I'm not a girl!!"..........(mumbles) "the blue one."
Paige: "Oh. Yeah. I like the blue too.  And which SHOES should she wear?  Um...there's dark blue or light blue.  Which one?"
Caiden: "PAIGE!!!  I'm not A GIRL!!......the light blue".

 Then last night.....

Paige:  "Mom, what time is it?"
Me: "8:30"
Paige: "Is it time for bed?"
Me: "Yes".
Paige: (runs down the hall) "CAIDEN! We have to go to bed now!"
Caiden:  (through gritted teeth)  "Paige!  I told you not to ask mom if it's time for bed! She always says "Yes!"
Paige: "But why? I'm tired.  I love going to bed."

Then, later they are in bed:

Paige: "Dad! Open the door a little!  I can't see my BLANKETS!"
Casey: (opens the door)
Paige: "Thanks!......MORON!!!!!" (dies laughing)
Casey:  "What?!  What did you say?"
Caiden:  "She called you a MORON!" (dies laughing)


Kevin and Eliza said...

Those are pretty funny! I love that Caiden still answers her questions after telling her his isn't a girl.

Anika said...

haha! love the little funny, so cute.

just a mom with a camera said...

so funny!! i saw them at the pool with ellen a couple weeks ago and they are so cute!