Friday, October 28, 2011


 This post is specifically for Caiden.  He has been begging and begging and begging me to make a scrapbook FULL of pictures of his Lego creations only....but it hasn't exactly happened.  So just in case it never does (which is likely) here is proof of his mad skills.....

Now, I can not recall the exact function and purpose of every little creation and every little lego guy, but trust me when I say that EVERYTHING included on each creation has a reason for being there.  A very long and detailed purpose which I heard ALL about as I was taking the pictures and later while I was cleaning, and making dinner, and changing a diaper, and on and on and on and on for the rest of our lives.  But.....I gotta say, I love it!

Good job Caiden!  You are so enthusiastic and talented and creative and detailed and focused - now let's try to apply all of this towards your homework :)

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