Tuesday, April 27, 2010


.....Team Ghana, that is.  I guess this year for Spring Kinder-Soccer, the traditional team names of Tigers and Bulldogs and Bears weren't educational enough.  Instead every team was the name of a country and Caiden was on Team Ghana.  "Ghana?  What's a Ghana, mom?" 

Nonetheless, Caiden had fun.  It's more of a social thing for him than anything else.  But we've come a long way from standing in the middle of the field with a confused look watching everyone run past him.  At the second game of the season, Casey, half joking/half serious, told Caiden he'd give him a buck if he scored a goal.  To our amazement, he scored 3 and didn't let us forget about paying up.  Caiden also got some good advice from Papa Gubler "Just stand by the goal and then when the ball comes near, kick it in!"  And 3 goals (and 3 dollars) later it worked!  Those also happened to be the only goals of the season, as we told him money was no longer going to be involved.  I sometimes worry how motivated by money this kid is.  (Hopefully it's a sign that he'll grow up to be hard-working, successful business man and not a greedy, ungrateful young man). 


The Gang said...

What's a Ghana, Mom? hahaha!

Traci said...

We had a hoot looking at all the pics of Caiden. I am so sad that Hunter doesn't get to play Soccer this year, darn Montana-ites that play games on Sunday...anyway, we laughed and Ethan kissed the screen. Hunter talked to the screen...poor little tykes, sure miss your kido-s. It was cute to see Hunter "surf" your blog~