Friday, June 22, 2012

As promised....

This is my catch-up post :)  (One of them, at least) Let's time-travel back to March.

Caiden played Spring Soccer and also played as goalie much more than he wanted.  It's not his favorite position, but really he did a great job.  Poor thing gets so discouraged if a ball gets through.  Doesn't everyone?  I, of course was a super proud mama.  I mean, just kicking the ball down the field without tripping and falling over it is skill INDEED in my book :)

Also, in March, we took our annual Peart Family Snowbird trip.  As always, we had fun on the slopes...

...and not only was the outside mountain scenery amazing, but the scenery inside as well. Take a look at these hotties - my husband, brothers, and brother-in-law thought it would be funny to shave off their beards/goatees and sport hideous Chester-Molester-Handle-Bar mustaches. (Hey, I write this, I get to name it whatever I want :)  

Jesse gets the top Chester award I think.  That pose is classic.  And scary.  If he hadn't have just fathered such a sweet precious little girl, I would maybe be having the don't-go-anywhere-or-take-anything-from-Uncle-Jesse talk with my kids. 

But, really Paige summed it up best when she crawled into my lap while fearfully looking at Casey, and said "Mommy....why is daddy different?"   Don't worry, sweet girl, he'll come back....if he wants a ride home, that is :)

More to come....

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