Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Grade

Caiden had a successful day of first grade.  We had met his teacher the day before and he was super excited that 2 of his friends from last year are in his class again.  So once he had on his favorite new Lego Batman shirt and a packed lunch, he couldn't get out of the door fast enough. 

We parked and walked him to his class.  Once inside, I saw a roomful of silent, nervous, adorable little first graders (and only one hysterically crying little boy).  Natually I had to take a picture of him at his desk.  Love the "seriously, mom???"  look....

So I hung out for a few minutes until Paige kept saying "Can we go now???" was time to go.  I stood outside and just felt like I didn't want to leave.  I wasn't necessarily sad, but I just felt like I wanted to stand outside the builiding for a minute.  Probably would have if Paige hadn't been pulling me to the car.  Anyway, I kept myself busy all day occasionally thinking/stressing whether or not he was having fun.  Then....time to pick him up.  He gets in the car and says "First grade is fun!!"  Yay!  Thanks to lunch and 2 recesses, he loves, loves school.  I don't hear much about what they learn, but I hear about everything that goes on at lunch and recess.  He is so funny!


just a mom with a camera said...

Having my boys gone all day was a really hard adjustment for me! I think I cried all day when Gage went! Good thing it's not as hard for them. Caiden is so cute and he looks so old!

Anika said...

Caiden just looks like a cool kid!! I'm so glad he loves it!

Shaila Lou said...

He looks so much older! You're a good mom to let him where that shirt. I don't barely let my kids out in public in their shirts! Haha!

Malcolm never tells me about school other then recess. It's all about dodge ball! Ha!